Micropython DC blind motor reversing switch

Test this DC motor control: press the UP or DOWN switch ... or drag the slider and press UP or DOWN.


We also have a vertical slider control for blind motors.

This DC reversing switch for a blind or shade motor has a number of features:

  • There are 10 travel steps, and the motor can be stopped at any of these detents
  • Slider control is interactive - drag it to any detent position and press the UP or DOWN button
  • The buttons change color when activated, then restore the original color when the motor stops
  • Header text above switch reflects position of blind or shade fabric
  • The slider shows progress from full retraction to full deployment of the blind
  • The retraction time can be set differently from the deployment time to reflect motor speed differences
  • The state and position of the blind persists between sessions using cookie memory

Micropython is a miniature subset of the Python 3 programming language, designed for ease of use on microcontrollers. It has a version for the advanced ESP32 microcontroller that can be flashed onto it.

The ESP32 with Micropython is a complete computing system, more like a microprocessor rather than just a microcontroller. It also has an operating system for creating/deleting files and sub-folders.

We created an educational kit for the ESP32, with a blind motor that you can use in your home (see the motor reversing switch above). This is a great gift for someone interested in learning how to operate and program the ESP32. Please see the links at the bottom of this page for more info.

You can purchase educational kits for blinds and window openers, and our control products in our online DIY automation store.

Stay tuned, if you're interested; we are taking the journey into IoT and automation, writing about every step we take!

Adrian Biffen
Senior Partner
RollerTrol Automation Systems

We sincerely hope you enjoy our advanced technology products; if you have any questions, please contact us at any time!

Articles in this series:

Part 1: Micropython for the ESP32: Connecting to Your WiFi Router Network

Part 2: Micropython for the ESP32 Microcontroller: REPL Communications

Part 3: Micropython for the ESP32: FTP Fast File Transfer

Part 4: Micropython for the ESP32: Pre-loaded Programs

Part 5: Micropython for the ESP32: DC Motor Reversing Switch (you are here)

Part 6: Micropython for the ESP32: WiFi Blind Motor Educational Kit Components

Part 7: Micropython for the ESP32: Error Codes and Definitions