Micropython Programming: Error Codes
Micropython is a complete sub-set of the Python 3 programming language. Designed for ease of use on microcontrollers, it can be used as an operating system for the advanced ESP32 microcontroller.
The ESP32 with Micropython is a small but complete computing system, and we often refer to it as a microprocessor rather than just a microcontroller. It actually has an operating system that allows you to create/delete directories and files.
We have created educational kits for using Micropython with the ESP32 MCU, with a blind motor (or window opener, or low voltage relay modules) that you can use in your home. This is a great gift for anyone interested in learning how to use the ESP32. Please see the links at the bottom of this page for more info.
The table below displays a list of Micropython error codes, with a description of the meaning of each code. These error codes can be trapped so that the python script doesn't crash (see start_data_MQTT for a good example of this).
Micropython OS Error CodesThis page displays a list of Micropython error codes that are specific to this device. If you have a different board there may be some slight variations. Use CTRL-f to find the code you need in this page ...
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You can purchase educational kits for blinds and window openers, and our control products in our online DIY automation store.
Stay tuned, if you're interested; we are taking the journey into IoT and automation, writing about every step we take!
Adrian Biffen
Senior Partner
RollerTrol Automation Systems
We sincerely hope you enjoy our advanced technology products; if you have any questions, please contact us at any time!
Articles in this series:
Part 1: Micropython for the ESP32: Connecting to Your WiFi Router Network
Part 2: Micropython for the ESP32 Microcontroller: REPL Communications
Part 3: Micropython for the ESP32: FTP Fast File Transfer
Part 4: Micropython for the ESP32: Pre-loaded Programs
Part 5: Micropython for the ESP32: DC Motor Reversing Switch
Part 6: Micropython for the ESP32: WiFi Blind Motor Educational Kit Components
Part 7: Micropython for the ESP32: Error Codes and Definitions (you are here)